Sunday, May 30, 2010

Things I've Taught this Week

The current unit in my 6th grade classroom is Ancient Africa.  These are the highlights from my lessons this week.

1.  We do not live next to the Pacific Ocean.  I had three kids argue with me about this in B block.  It should be noted that I live and teach in Maryland.  My honors kids fell out of their chairs laughing at the kids who swore up and down that we live next to the Pacific.

2.  African-Americans do not live in Africa.  Some of the kids still didn't understand this even after I explained that African-Americans are still Americans.

3.  Africa is not full of terrorists.  This shocked about 70% of my kids.

4.  We no longer ship slaves from Africa to the United States.  I had two students who honestly were not aware that slavery has been over for quite awhile.

Oh.  Dear.  God.

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